Cornhole Tournament
Come toss some bags, have fun, win prizes all while helping fund scholarships for Edwardsburg students.
American Legion Pavilion
25995 US-12
Edwardsburg, MI 49112
Saturday, July 13 – 2-6pm
- Two person teams
- $50.00 Per Team
- Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
- No refunds if you can’t make it.
- Limit of 32 teams. We will keep a waitlist.
- RAINDATE: August 24, 2024 – 2-6pm

All proceeds from this event are used toward the Foundation’s goal of creating a permanent and sustainable source of funding to support and enhance the educational experience through grants and contributions to programs, students, projects and teachers.
Get in Touch
Let us know if you have questions regarding our mission, the scholarship application or how to donate.