Edwardsburg Public Schools Foundation Board of Directors

The volunteers who make up the board of directors serve multi-year terms with the focus of helping students advance their education and helping teachers in their quest to help students. We’re able to offer scholarships to students and teachers because of our strong community support. We appreciate all the help you can offer. Thank you for your support of our community, our youth, and both of their futures!

Board Member Workspace Login

Anna Gardner

Anna Gardner


Kelley Toney

Kelley Toney


Birdella Holdread

Birdella Holdread


Tonya Burns

Tonya Burns

Board Member

Don Day

Don Day


Michele Harlow

Michele Harlow

Board Member

Tammy Niemier

Tammy Niemier

Board Member

Lacey Parsons

Lacey Parsons

Board Member

Lindsey Prochko

Lindsey Prochko

Board Member

Julie Summy

Julie Summy

Board Member

Heather Wilt

Heather Wilt

Board Member

Nichole Waggoner

Nichole Waggoner

Board Member

Gail Enders

Gail Enders

Superintendent Designee

Melissa Kennedy

Melissa Kennedy

Board Member

Get in Touch

Let us know if you have questions regarding our mission, the scholarship application or how to donate.